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  • Writer's pictureRuth Smethurst

Was it really RUTHless?

RUTHless happened!

And yes it was brutal.

It was hard.

It was a challenge physically, mentally and emotionally!

Rude words came out.

Weird noises appeared uncontrollably.

True thoughts and feelings were not held in!

But together,

We celebrated our mini wins and the big ones

We supported each other through the days that just sucked

We collectively laughed at our inabilities to walk

We laughed together at the thought of running yet another stair set

We pulled each other up from the ground when the legs had nothing left

We collaborated in our pain and found a lot of humour in sharing the feedback our bodies were constantly giving us!

Together we suffered, but together we also thrived.

We thrived in the feelings of – wow my body can do that.

We thrived in the moments of realising that each and every one of us had achieved so much more than we believed we could.

We thrived in the knowing that our bodies are flipping amazing.

We thrived in the sense of collective pride of having made it through the 4 weeks.

We thrived in the new beliefs we all now had about the capabilities, the strength, the resilience, the adaptability of our bodies.

And these feelings go so far beyond any visible body transformation you can give yourself.

That sense of pride in knowing you’ve achieved more than you ever believed you could - that sits in your heart like an instant new lease of life.

The belief that your body can do ANYTHING runs through every cell of your energy supercharging your mind to believe that anything truly is possible.

It wasn’t all completely RUTHless though.

You haven’t forgotten that we are all about the body love have you?

***None of this programme was focused on punishing any part of the body at any time***

This programme was designed to teach and every one of us to get more in touch with our bodies.

To connect on a deeper level to all the things that came up on a physical level.

To bring awareness to where our movement was limited and where our joints didn’t like the impact.

To fully tune in to what kind of movements we enjoyed and to gain a knowing of what movements and what kind of training we actually really hate.

To gain an understanding around exactly what our bodies needed at any given time in any form - be it through food, movement, breathing, a salt bath, or a good old nap.

So yes despite the name RUTHless we all got a little more tRUTHful with ourselves – mind, body and soul.

And guess what...we’re doing it all again!




EARLY BIRD PRICE IS UP – but only until Ruth's Birthday (which is very soon by the way!)

CLICK HERE if you want to join us in the collaborative pain of RUTHless for round two when it begins on September 3rd.

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