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It all started on a beach in Thailand....

I, Ruth, was floundering in my belief of my capabilities in all the roles of my life at the time.


  • Mother to a 10yr old who had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

  • Personal trainer, massage therapist, rehab specialist, sports conditioning coach.

  • Trying to call myself a business owner rather than trading time for money 

  • Single parent trying to prove she was superwoman and be involved in everything required of modern day parents 

  • Being a ‘good’ friend by always being available to solve problems regardless of cost to me or my family. ( I wouldn’t want anybody not to like me!)


I thought I was going away on that retreat to develop my business but I got so much more than I bargained for...

I was given the opportunity, help and space to take a look at myself:

My beliefs. My values. My choices. My desires. My purpose


I realised the paradoxical game I had been playing with my life. Dreaming of MORE, striving for MORE, working MORE - all while wanting to be less ME. Starting with my body right down to my thoughts, emotions and soul. I then made the simple choice on that retreat - to be MORE ME

And that meant:


  • Loving my body - however and whatever it was at any given time.

  • Speaking my mind and heart out loud instead of censoring myself.

  • Playing life my way in all the ways that made me feel truly alive, excited, sparkly and unique.

  • Living free from constrictive expectations.


And that is where the idea of the Playcation Experience was born.

...then it found a body by the sea in Croatia...

Desperate to get away from my busy life, I, Amy, took myself off to Croatia. 

With a passion to travel and the need to just go, I traveled alone not realising what would come from giving myself my own space. From allowing myself to push the reset button. From giving myself time away to re-connect to me, to find who I was and what it was that I really desired from life. 


It was during this time away that I was able to finally be at peace with myself for the first time and allow myself to settle the constant noise in my head and begin to listen to my heart. 


I realised how necessary this was and how disconnected everyone is from themselves, running life on autopilot fuelled by the occasional daydream. I didn't want that to be my life anymore. 

I wanted more and I knew there was more to be had. I wanted my life to be full of sunshine everyday, to hold the feeling of connection that I'd found and to help others to do the same.

To step out of the life I was living for others and into one I had created for myself.

To live a life of freedom.


Freedom from the bullshit beliefs we carry with us about what we 'should' be doing and how we 'should' be showing up.

Freedom from my own judgments of myself and of my body. 

I was ready to create a life for me and to bring the biggest, brightest, healthiest, funnest version of myself to everyday of that.

...and then it came to life back in Lewes...




...and here we bring our message to you...

This life is NOT for dull and mediocre living. 


Living life to someone else’s rules and expectations of who you should be, what you should do and how you are meant to feel.


Nothing is worse than reaching a point in life of having missed out on the fullness, richness, adventure because you were too afraid to say YES to yourself.


Too afraid that you would be judged

Too afraid that you would not be accepted and loved

Too afraid that you were not good enough

Too afraid to try, because no one ever told you that you bloody well could


You spent your life saying yes to everyone else and never to yourself and the opportunities passed you by.




  • Your body is amazing, beautiful, capable of so much.  IT is the vehicle we experience this gorgeous life through.  Remove the restrictions you place on it and start living the amazing adventure available to you through this sensory smorgasbord.


  • Your brain is a power house of creativity.  Unleash its potential and power by giving it a chance to play and explore and believe 6 impossible things before breakfast.


  • Your soul is the essence of you and desires to live its purpose in this life.  The body is just one method of getting in touch with this.  Fulfilling the pull of the desire inside is like coming home to yourself.


  • Connecting to others and creating impact and legacy for those around you and those to come after you is the reason you choose this type of reality, yet so many live in fear of those connections – and deprive the world of their magic for fear of rejection.    



Get in touch with YOUR magic, bring it to the world, and PLAY LIFE YOUR WAY. 

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