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Ruth Smethurst 

Who is she and what does she do? 


As you go to read this you might be expecting me to be another ‘coach’ or ‘personal trainer’, motivational speaker, or ‘guru’ of some description. And whilst those titles could be applied to me with some degree of accuracy, they don’t really explain who I am or what I do at all.

I have qualifications in Fitness, as a specialist in Biomechanics, a massage practitioner, and Body Map assessor. 
I have experience in many coaching modalities such as Mindmapping, Thinking Environment and behaviour and lifestyle change.

These are simply the tools I use.

I’m a mother, a business owner, an author, a speaker, a presenter, an entrepreneur and a woman (you noticed?!), 

These are just my experiences.

My tools and experiences together mean that I understand the challenges and pains of what it is to be a human being who is looking to make their mark on the world and leave a legacy that will be remembered in a positive light. All while providing for my family and living a life that makes my soul come alive.
I don’t think that that is expecting too much of myself!


Ruth Smethurst
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I work with women as a catalyst to create change for maximum impact.


I am the match that lights the firework and you, my lovely, are the firework – full of sparks and beauty and excitement and heading for the stars.

I create an experience that will shift how you think about yourself and your life forever. 

If you’re feeling stuck, like you’re living your life with the handbrake on, but you can’t understand why or escape that feeling of not quite getting there or being your true self, my expertise will help you liberate yourself.

When you finish working with me you will know, in that deep way of knowing in your soul, that the world is yours for the taking. And your life will never be the same again.

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