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  • Writer's pictureRuth Smethurst

Unleash Your Magic

What's keeping you stuck?

In that seemingly never ending repeat cycle of mediocre or 'only alright'?



Old memories


If it's a business block

Are you scared to put yourself out there

To ask for the sale

To show people what you can really do

To come across as too pushy

If it's a health hazard

Are you living in a memory of who you used to be

Unsure of the 'correct' thing to do for you health

Resigning yourself to the inevitable



Gender issues

If it's a relationship roadblock

Are you in conflict that keeps you depleted

Fearful of change

At the end of yourself from trying to inspire positive change and meeting resistance

If it's a money or resources hole

Is there uncertainty how to dig your way out?

Is there fear about the long term consequences you are heading for?

Is there weariness at the constant push push push to keep your head above water?

What's the common denominator in ALL these things?


You are the centre of your universe!

The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

SO guess what?

Constantly pushing pushing pushing to change the outside circumstances will feel like a never ending hamster wheel that just gets faster and faster with each new effort you put in.

It’s time to step off that wheel and finally take back the centre of your universe -

Re-connect with yourself

So that you can stand above the business blocks, the health hazards, the relationship roadblocks and the money holes and see them for what they are...

Just a reflection of YOU!

If you are thinking that all you need is the next good bit of advice, the next program to help you fix the problem, someone else to do it for you -

(and by all mean sometimes this is useful!)

- then go right ahead and give it another go.

But if it hasn’t worked like you’d hoped in the past and you’ve been left feeling let down, feeling like a failure, feeling like there must be something wrong with you…

Then it is definitely time to take a look at everything from a new perspective.

The Perspective of YOU.

Start with you.

Your Story

Your dreams

Your fears

Your strengths

And connect to it all that You are again, in a way that is clear of all the bullshit from the past, all the doubts, all the fears, all the restrictions, all the numbness and pain. Connecting to your magic is a process of clearing and accepting, letting go and allowing, releasing and acknowledging ALL that you are.

Once you begin to even get an inkling of how infinitely capable, powerful, and magical you are, then you find yourself anchored to YOU –

Able to weather the storms of any circumstance

Able to navigate unknown waters

Able to discover brand new shores

That is where transformation starts and grows from – not the next new program with a list of things you should be doing.

If it’s your time to start a transformation

To clear away the dross and allow the growth to happen

Hit THIS LINK and let me know that you are ready for it… we can talk from there.

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