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  • Writer's pictureRuth Smethurst

Let's Get Truthful...

We have a brand addition to share with you.

Well actually the truth of it is, it is not an addition.

It is the deep undercurrent of all we do but up until now we have not really blatantly spoken about it.

Our brand is, and always has been, all about transformation. The words -




have been the mainstay of the intentions behind all we do.

However getting our message and very different approach of playfulness out into the world, has required a pattern interrupt and the formation of quite a definitive brand presence.

So we have come across as silly

As not very serious

As absolutely crackers

As Extroverted and loud

As frivolous ad frolicky and all about the FUN

But underlying all of that has been the core message of

“connection to yourself first and foremost,

doing the healing and transformation work on ones own inner stuff

finding connection to all that you are inside - the good the bad, the beautiful, the ugly.

Feeling the freedom of clearing blockages and old stories

Experiencing the energy of transformation

Experiencing the energy that comes from feeling free and connected

Allowing that energy to begin to flow through you into your world to bring the changes that have felt out of reach for too long”

Now I created the Playcation idea and brand around those intentions because all too often the idea of transformation and healing and change is coated in layers of mysticism or hard work and effort, or having to cry a lot and expose things you would rather keep hidden, or pain and angst being required to clear ones shit to achieve happiness.

However my greatest transformations and breakthroughs have come from finding the connection, lightness and fun inside me and feeling the lightness and freedom that comes from that.

Whether it is being able to look at circumstances in my playfully imaginative way to find solutions.


Being able to see the game afoot in any interaction and so light foot it through the interactions.


Being able to embody feelings so that I can bring them into my reality and give them form.


Having the curiosity to try new things, do things differently and ask random questions.

The most effective, long lasting and fully embodied changes I have experienced and seen for others have been the ones that come from a place of feeling lighter, more joyful, and free to be myself.

And so we coat all our transformative work in the guises of play to ensure that no one feels threatened or forced into change.

It’s all a game –

To be experienced

To be felt

To be enjoyed

To be tried and tested in all its forms

With no sense of failure

No need to compete

No need to get it right

No need to achieve

Just to play and feel and allow you own body, mind and soul to find the connections that You need at any given time.

So be sure that when we invite you to play we are inviting you to heal the parts of you that feel hurt, sad, disappointed, disconnected, lost, and constricted.

Come play actually means come and -

Connect to yourself

Free yourself from what has been holding you back

Feel the energy that you are and that you need to live your life fully expanded and abundantly.

And in the process of healing yourself bring healing, love, laughter, joy and abundance to your world.


We have a menu of fun, healing and magical wonders to offer you today (and only if booked this week - because these offers disappear on Sunday)

FUN MENU - (all prices are with 5’s because it is the number of FUN)

** 15 min THINK ** - with my 5min magic intuition feedback if you want it. - £5

** Body Map Session ** - online or in person - £55 (Discover what your body is really showing you about your life - past,present and future)

** Marvellous Magical Massage ** - in person obviously! - £55 (This is the woo woo one where there is no talking!)

** 100 Days to New Year ** - online mastermind ( - £555

** Deep Dive Delirium ** - a full day with Ruth - £555 (At a special location no matter where in the uk you are, we will meet half way!) This is where I bring MY special brand of magic just to you for a whole day!

CLICK HERE To message me and let me know what you would like to order from our FUN menu this week.  

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