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  • Writer's pictureRuth Smethurst

I saw the signs and stopped blaming the stars

When everything just seems to be going wrong.

When things feel off kilter.

When it’s all out of alignment.

One thing after another is breaking down,

People are misunderstanding what you say or just not listening,

Carefully laid plans are falling apart,


All you had hoped to achieve just seems to be on hold…

It might be tempting to revert to that line of thinking that says, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going or get rough”.

But if you are a woman reading this, chances are you don’t feel so tough right now.

You may well be sick and tired of being the tough one, the one who finds the solution and makes it all right for everyone else. At the same time feeling like your stuff is falling apart or you like you are using every last ounce of your energy to hold it all together.

What if you just stopped that?

Right now – STOP IT!

It goes completely against the powerful feminine that you are to push for a solution – regardless of the ‘personality’ trait of being super organized you may have created over the years.

This is just your ego,

the identity you have chosen to wear (needs must),

the role you have taken on to fulfill perceived responsibilities and obligations.

Which have all become like some sort of barricade for your true nature and power.

The power of the feminine.

It is a very masculine energy to drive everything in a linear direction, to ‘take action all the time, to have to implement tangible solutions when encountering a problem - to have to make it right.

The feminine / female way is

To notice,

To nourish

To receive

To go inward

To understand,

To see all the parts and possibilities,

To know the feeling of a thing,

To find where it is rooted and address that,

To create from a quiet (not small and insignificant though) internal place

To use ones intuition to direct what action you take.

Now there is a little thing going on the heavens at the moment called mercury retrograde. I have always heard it spoken about in a negative way – until yesterday.

The most common things said about this Mercury Retrograde time (which lasts for three weeks and happens 3-4 times a year are:

· Don’t start any big undertakings

· Don’t’ plan or take any major trips

· Don’t sign or agree to any big legal contracts

· Expect miscommunication and arguments

· Expect tech glitches

· Expect everything to be slow and undecided

Now this is a horrendous thought if you are pushing through life using only your masculine or Yang energy.

Whether you are a man or a woman – life requires a balance of both Yin and Yang, and Mercury retrograde is definitely a time when the Yin or feminine energy will serve you well.

The planet mercury doesn’t actually change course and start going backwards, but in relation to the earth’s path and speed, it appears to have changed direction and be going backwards.


Imagine being stopped at traffic lights next to another car, and suddenly that car seems to be going backwards, but in actually fact you have started to move forward because your brake is not on. It takes looking at the stationary scenery on the other side of your car to realize who is actually moving in which direction.

That there is mercury retrograde.

And that there is exactly the lesson of Mercury retrograde.

(for all you catastrophising, star blaming, nay sayers – I was one til yesterday – take note!)

Rather than seeing it is a time of – “oh watch out for all the things that can go wrong and put a spanner in the works”.

If you are working from a masculine or Yang energy this will be a right ball ache (pun intended) if mercury retrograde energy gets in the way!

However if you choose to step into a feminine energy and space – this time of MR (3 weeks from 26th July) will be a great time to RE anything.

Yes you read that right - I will explain.

The proverbial THEY are quick to let us know what is Mercury Retrograde in NOT good for - BUT it is a great time for


Re-wording (but not publishing)


Re-inventing (but not launching)



By taking a look around you to gain perspective of where you are in relation to the anchors you have in place in your life, you will gain a sense of what is actually moving and in what direction.

When anything in the skies is in retrograde it is NOT about going backwards, it is about going inwards.

Because all things external will probably seem to be going backwards but in essence it is an opportunity for you to go inwards to feel, see and perceive YOUR orbit and path in relation to what you know know know about yourself, rather than in comparison to the external world.

A very powerfully feminine experience.

So do not be put off by, or scared of any seeming slowness, hiccups, malfunctions. You have an amazing opportunity at this time to go inwards and make sure everything that you have, up until now, been manifesting, using and putting out into the world, is working as you want it to.

And it is not necessarily the time to be trying to FIX anything that is off kilter, but simply to notice and note it, put it in perspective with what is truly calling from inside you.

So that when you emerge from this energetic time of retrograde (re everything!) you are moving forward with a new awareness and clarity of the path ahead, and can easily put in place and change things that need changing.

To fight the retrograde with complaining and dramatizing the things that are off, is a sign that you are trying to solve the retrograde awareness with a masculine energy.

Make a choice instead of go within, embracing the feminine way of receiving, and hear the message, notice the things at play, and begin to set a scene of reflection, rewording, rejuvenation, re-assessment that will propel you forward like a sling shot the other side of this energetic time.

Just because something or someone else is going at a different speed to you or in another direction – which may make you feel like you are going backwards – it does not mean you are off track!

Know yourself

Know your path

Know what is right and aligned for you

AND THEN TRUST yourself.

So that when others seem to be overtaking you,

When things go a little awry,

When things don’t seem clear anymore,

You know that you are still in orbit and able to follow the path that is perfectly aligned for you.

That is a powerful feminine way to do things.

Bide your time,

know what you know,

hold to the truth inside you,

allow your intuition to speak and show you what is really going on,

and then know that when the time is right you will be more in connection with your soul path – YOUR ORBIT – to use only as much masculine energy as is required to bring about the things that have been deepened and cleared at this time.

There is a need for balance in all things, so employing some masculine energy to get stuff done will prove useful at certain points in any situation.

However too many of us women, try to live in this energy and then beat ourselves up for failing at it.

Or worse – we disregard and shame ourselves for the feminine energy when it comes through.

So to survive, thrive and manifest amazing things through time of Mercury retrograde – EMBRACE your big, beautiful feminine center and enjoy the seemingly backwards ride

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