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Soul Alignment Retreat for Spiritual Entrepeneurs

Crete, May 13th - 19th

A mastermind week to create business success the divine feminine way.



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Having a whole week to purely focus on you and your business. To create ALL the content your heart wants to speak. 

To get all the words, all the feels, all the visuals out of your head and into the world with sparkle. 

Imagine working on your business free of the doubt that continually holds you back from truly expressing your biggest ideas and heart felt desires.


How would it feel to truly believe that anything was possible and that you had the potential already within you to make a success of anything you choose to? 


Come to Crete


  • To pause time.

  • To shift the blocks that have so far held you back in your business or life 

  • To connect your heart, mind body and soul to your business (or idea) 

  • To find freedom from the everyday distractions.

  • To connect to the heart, the soul and the vision for your business and your life.

  • To create content from a place of limitless possibility.

  • To share support with life-long business connections and friends.

  • To realise your wildest dreams and ideas with the absence of doubt.

  • To discover your way to play and be able to apply that to any business principle and any new project to find the fun and fulfilment of running YOUR business YOUR way.

  • To mastermind with other heart centered women. 





Although you’re out there doing YOUR thing, you feel expected to do it THEIR way.


Because THEIR 5 step process is proven.


Because the Facebook ads say THEY are living the life you dream of, so you must follow their formula to get their result.


All the while you THINK you’re doing the right thing, putting things out to the world the way you ‘should’, following the proven processes to make the money and the success you deserve.


But it doesn’t come.


It doesn’t happen like they said it would.


Your funnels don’t work quite like Kat Laterzo’s do.

Your facebook ads aren’t half as successful as Shaa Wasmunds.

You don’t fill a room with anywhere near the amount of people as Tony Robbins.


Your message simply isn’t being heard.


You are not being seen.


Without realising it…you’ve been playing someone’s game.

Following someone else’s rule book.

Chasing someone else’s version of success.


All the while dulling the sparkle that is YOU that makes you and your business unique.


an investment of £3333 for the week 

What if...


You didn't have to follow anyone else's rules to reach success 


Business could forever be done from our feminine energy


You could fearlessly create content without any doubt of your place in the world. 


You were brave enough to say a big fat YES to your heart and begin that project that's sat on hold so for long.


The success and the lifestyle you dream of really isn't all that far away from you right now...


Picture this...


As you wake up slowly and turn your head to look out you see the sun just beginning to rise over the calm water. 

Knowing this is one not to miss, you slip on a thin jumper, slide out of bed and find a quiet spot outside. No one disturbs you as you soak up the beauty of a spectacular sunrise. 


Feeling happy to be alive, you grab your journal and allow your pen to just write. 


Blissfully unaware of the workings of the Cretian chef preparing the most beautiful breakfast for you all.


Your brain is ready for the day but your body needs to catch up so you decide to join us for a morning movement session by the pool. 


Just before the hunger kicks in, breakfast is served out on the balcony with spectacular views. 


and that's just the morning...the rest of the day just gets better and better as your heart begins to truly awaken to all the possibilities available to you. 


Here's an idea of what happens in a day...


Morning routine with options for what you'd like to engage in 


Morning teach – creativity and soul work

Content create or soul work from morning teach prompt



Free time

Evening teach

Dinner – themed shenanigans



We create an environment where you: 


  • Are championed to be YOU to accelerate your business ideas with confidence 

  • Bring your biggest ideas to masterminding sessions

  • Bare no shame in who you are, how you are doing and what you are or aren’t producing

  • Are fully accepted for who you are

  • Begin to step into your full potential - you stop playing small, and start dreaming big.

  • Light that spark that ignites the fire to take your life and business to new levels.

  • Find the enjoyment once again in doing the work you love.

  • Tap into the courage to create your own path and walk it with confidence



We're not here to give you our formula, we're here to encourage you to find your own 


We won't push you to create a years worth of content, instead we'll assist you in embedding the feelings and heart intentions behind the content that creating it comes with ease and enjoyment. 


You will remove those blocks you've been holding for so long as we do some soul shifting work with you. 


You'll have the confidence to go out into the world and use the power of your heart in your business! 



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Interested but want to ask some questions?

Book a free ten minute call and have a chat with us 


13th - 19th May - Crete - £3333

Price includes accommodation, activities, and all food - but does NOT include flights. 

No refunds will be given. By booking you are agreeing to the terms and conditions laid out here. 

Hit the link below to book. 

Who are your hosts? 

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We, Ruth Smethurst and Amy Russell are the main cohort of The Playcation Experience. Together, we created The Playcation Experience to bring more fun to the lives of women who are running their business, looking after their families and sidelining themselves. 

We strongly believe that there is opportunity to play and lightness availble in every area of life, and by choosing to find it you can play your way to success. Life does not need to be difficult and dull, business does need to be masculine - you can bring the true essence of yourself to make even your most impossible dreams become reality.

Su Winsbury is a spiritual coach and therapist who's passion it is to help you rediscover what makes your soul sing, tune in to your inner wisdom and become your true authentic self. By combining coaching with a variety of therapies and a sprinkling of magic, her approach is powerful, holistic and served with love.


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