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The Playcation Roadshow comes to town...

RE-Scheduled for January 2019



Your ticket will be emailed to you once checkout has been processed. 


(Or maybe delivered by Hedwig if we so happen to know where you live!)

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It's time to bring fun back to life in Leicestershire!

What can you expect from a day with us? 


Expect the unexpected - A day out of the ordinary. Where you are greeted by the friendliest of faces and guided through various processes all lovingly designed to take you out of head space and into your heart space to find your fun again. To remember what it really feels like to be alive. 


Imagination will be engaged - yes even yours, oh logical one, who's reading every word of this - creativity will be sparked and brains will be buzzing!   


For sure you can expect a day full of laughs and an experience of such happiness and joy that you head home feeling competeley refreshed. 


The magic in the tips, tricks, tools, you'll learn and feel, and the experience you'll have will stay with you to allow you to continue your journey back home and to always be able to connect back to what makes you come alive.

Who are The Playcation Experience? 


Ruth Smethurst and Amy Russell are the main co-hort of The Playcation Experience. Who, together, created The Playcation Experience to bring more fun to the lives of women everywhere who are giving everything to everyone else and sidelining themselves. 


We strongly believe that there is opportunity to play and lightness available in every area of life, and by choosing to find it you can play your way to a fully rich life. Life does NOT need to be difficult, mundane and overridden by responsibilities - you CAN bring the true essence of yourself to make even your most impossible dreams become reality and the most ordinary of days extraordinary! .

Ruth Smethurst
Amy Russell

Ruth Smethurst and Amy Russell

Meet your local play infiltrators...

Louise Miller and Susie Hamilton are two best friends who are on a mission to have more fun in life! 

You may have seen them at random parties, in fancy dress, or having a cocktail and a natter in the pub! 


Louise was born and raised in the shire of Leicester. She has a degree in...wait for it...COLOURING IN! AND Louise is a multiple award winning administrator! However, these days you'll find her running her own business helping simply marvellous small business owners get stuff done with less stress and more ease. Find more info on her website just here.


"I also have a penchant for Liberty print fabric and make pretty things to sell from time to time.

I live in Kibworth with Tom The Husband, and when it’s not raining I enjoy hoola hooping in the back garden. Right now I’m re-obsessed with all things Harry Potter, dark chocolate (at least 85% please) and yoga. But not all at the same time."



Susie is a baby boomer (back end!), born Southampton and slowly worked her way north ending up in sunny Leicestershire.  Sue trained and qualified as a graphic designer and stayed with that career choice for a short time before moving into retail and then recruitment. Currently an Ops Manager for a Recruitment Company based in London but not for much longer!!! Last day 7th Dec and then she starts her new adventure...


"I Love to cook and bake and am basically a feeder. Love books and film. Favourite genre is fantasy and Science Fiction. Love the theatre especially when I go with by bestie Super Lou!

Spent my 50th year doing lots of silly things I had never done before like eating a donut without licking my try it!!! Also drove a tank and blind reverse parked it...can't do that with a car."

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Louise Miller and Susie Hamilton 

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