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    "Twas a weekend before Xmas when all through the house - no one mentioned the C word and everyone lived happily ever after..."


     BUT HARK, no herald angels required! 

There is a way to bring your joy, peace and love back to '*?#!@MAS' time


The anti-Christmas Solution
Escape the festive season madness to
- The House That Just Keeps Giving -
2018-10-10 (6).png
December 7th - December 9th 
Cotswolds (there aren't many people or shops there!) 
Christmas - can be that idealistic time of year that all too often brings disappointment, stress and a whole heap of social responsibilities. 
The family seem to need you to spend all your time with them, all your money on them and pretend you are enjoying it. 
When really, all you want to do is run for hills and hide away from everything and everyone and just sit in front of a log fire with a bottle of Baileys!
I get it. This is me too!
So much so, that this year I've created something I think you might want to join me for.
*** A care package for all the Grinches out there ***

There will be –

  • No expectations on you to please anyone but yourself

  • No consumer bollocks (in fact no bollocks at all – it’s a female only space!)

  • No duties, chores or responsibilities – in fact it’s a Playcation RULE - no helping out, just relaxing and having fun.

  • No presents to wrap - only unwrap

  • No turkey to cook

  • No cheesy Christmas crafts

The whole weekend will however, have the essence of celebration, feel good fun, and  downright jolly-ness.

The house will be a space to celebrate all that is, and all that you are.


A welcoming space where thoughts and feelings are openly shared.


A smorgasbord of fun and perhaps a den, or two, to relax in and take time out.


There will be games to make your face smile and your belly ache from laughing so much.


Love and appreciation will be spread like glitter, showering you in the knowing that you are loved, you are held and you are appreciated just for who you are.


You will explore those things that perhaps up until now have been left behind, that are vital to your happiness and the keys to always finding your fun.


Owning your stories from the past that keep you stuck, and writing new ones to inspire your most magical life.



Your time at 'The House That Keeps on Giving' will remain in your heart forever, as you learn how to integrate all the magic back into your life at home – so it really is the gift that just keeps giving this Christmas time!


The perfect escape for any woman who:


  • Wants to escape the pressurised crap of Christmas time.

  • Wants to be able to enjoy the nice things about the season. 

  • Needs some time for themselves during the manic month of December. 

  • No longer feels the need to follow everyone else's version of what the festive season should be... 

  • Craves some freedom as soon as they see the advent calendars creeping in! 


You probably don't want to come though if:


  • You just can't give yourself permission to get away from the family and allow yourself to enjoy it 

  • You still believe you have to do all this things, for all the people, all the time 

  • You would rather spend the Festive season in the Bahamas.

  • You don't like being showered with appreciation and random gifts.

  • You just want to sit in a corner and hide until December is over.

  • You are committed to playing the martyr at Christmas time.



Santa's got nothing on this - its time to create YOUR best festive season yet and this is the best gift ever -





For full Ts and Cs CLICK HERE


£555 for the weekend - everything included 


£444 if you book with a friend and share a room/large bed 


£555 for the weekend - everything included 


£444 if you book with a friend and share a room/large bed 

Stuck for the cash? 

Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to tell your partner, your family, your friends what you really want for Christmas?

SEND THEM THIS LINK...we’ve written them a letter for can thank us later!

Still not sure if this is for you?

Here is what previous playcationers have to say about the experience

Bless Susie.JPG
"My Playcation experience was a catalyst, for what I've done for the rest of the year and for where I am now, and it has given me that jump start. I came back with a hell of a lot more than I even envisioned but the biggest thing I took away was the reconnection I found with laughter, with that silly person inside."


I want it to be longer, I don't want it to end! I want to stay here at least 3 more days! but the exciting journey comes from here, from my initial starting point, you guys have

inspired me to want to now continue my own journey and

I know I won't be alone in that because I'll always have the support of everyone I've met this weekend. I want chocolate for

breakfast everyday and party poppers, I want that and just

to embrace fun and freedom everyday."


Photo 26-09-2017, 15 27 09.jpg

For full Ts and Cs CLICK HERE

£555 for the weekend - everything included 


£444 if you book with a friend and share a room/large bed 

If you hate the way Christmas gets stolen from us...


Stolen by the high street stores trying to make money 

Stolen by the obligations of having to turn up at every social engagement just because it's Christmas 

Stolen by the idealistic view of how families should get along and enjoy spending the day together


Wouldn't it be great if you could just do Christmas the way you wanted to? 

Without having to engage in any of that consumer society driven hype

Without having to spend time with people you actually don't really like that much


Okay so this might sound a little idealistic and a little impossible...but it is possible to celebrate Christmas your way! 


It is possible to enjoy Christmas again!


To be excited by the true magic of the festive season. 

The cosy nights, the sense of everyone coming together, the opportunity to celebrate, to indulge in different foods, to give and receive exciting gifts (no, not the ones that cost loads of money) but the ones that make you feel special because they've been given with a real sense of love. 


We invite you to join us to find out what FUN times at Christmas is for you.  Because we would love to spend time with you and

bring the fun, magic and joyfulness that we are sooooo good at, to your life this December.


And we will see you at - The House That Just Keep Giving.


Amy Russell and Ruth Smethurst




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